Monday, September 22, 2008

Railways to nominate OG as a World Heritage site

It's a proud day for all Oak Grovians - Indian Railways have decided to nominate Oak Grove as a World Heritage Site to UNESCO.

More here.

Friday, September 12, 2008


कभी ख़ुद से इतनी दुश्मनी कर मेरे दोस्त, कि तेरी रूह भी तुझसे ये पूछे
कि तू इतना ज़ालिम क्यूँ है?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lost maps

The Indian government, apparently has lost the original maps of Nagaland. More here

Well, IMHO, it may not be that bad a thing. Think of it, if all maps of the world, counties, states, cities were to be lost, burnt, shred and deleted (from electronic media). It wouldn't be that bad a thing. I can foresee an end to a lot of fight over petty regional and border issues. What's your take?